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It's all too easy for any of us to take for granted the beautiful places in which we live.  And Tetbury and surrounding areas is one of those beautiful places.


Tetbury CONNECT is therefore pleased to remind all visitors to the site how truly special Tetbury is.


And there are three main components to bear in mind for Tetbury - which we accept also applies to so many other places too.


Tetbury CONNECT is so proud to show off this jewel of a town - nestled as it is in the rolling countryside of the South Cotswolds.

One way in which we do this is by sharing the wonderful images we've curated - which not only feature our town - from the 1800s to present day - but also some interesting places close by. 


In this fast developing world in which we live today, it's somewhat comforting to see that our town - at its core - has changed little in the last 200 yrs or more - as you will find when you view the images dating throughout this time period. 


And due to the large number of images collected, they are rotated weekly and spread throughout the site - particularly on the main media pages -accessed via the DESKTOP icon.   


Lastly, but never least, we acknowledge and give thanks to our resident photographers, The History Society and all the individuals who have kindly contributed to our collection.  We will always be glad to receive even more contributions from holders of images - new and old, current or historical - keen to share them, through ourselves, with the people of Tetbury and far beyond.

NOTE: If there's an interesting story to tell behind an image
​ - shown on this site - we will be delighted to highlight both the image and your story attached to it.


We're planning to make available soon a form of potted history together with links to more reading. It's for those who love learning about our past.

For now, we note for you this standout notable story we thought would prick your interest.

Henry West - a man of the adjoining Upton parish -had no children by his first 4 wives. But remedy came with his fifth wife, who bore him ten children no less.  Henry went on to see that each of his ten children had ten children each of their own. Amazing as this was - the most amazing fact about Henry of Upton parish and by some distance - which might in part explain his marriage count - was that living in the early 1600s - during the reign of James I of England - he died at the age of 152yrs!  That's right, 152yrs!

The History of the Town And Parish of Tetbury

by RT lee [1857]


Community anywhere is nothing without the people who make up their community.

And dear Henry West did his very best to start his very own in Upton - and we will wonder where his descendants have since roamed and settled.

But as for Tetbury's history, it would be something special to create - over time - a chronicle of the people today - and of yesterday - that have stood out as notables in the community that is Tetbury.  And often, what is meant by being notable is just simply being remembered.

In this respect, we again say, we would be delighted to receive your contributions to the story that is Tetbury. 


by contributing an image, a story or a fact from history, do please let us know.  So many people will thank you for doing so!


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The collection of images we have assembled cover a wide canvas of subjects.  One major subject is the railway - sadly no longer active today, but it has left a wealth of memories, images and significant infrastructure in the town that has been repurposed as residents already know and appreciate.  That is, the Goods Shed.

The buildings in and around Tetbury are sources of even more appreciation and viewers will understand why when they see them.  Seeing these buildings as they were more than a century ago - and as they are today - is a fascination to many.

Because CONNECT is centred on community, the business community is close to our heart. We are therefore delighted to include in the collection businesses of past and present.  Without these businesses, Tetbury could not have been the thriving community it was in times gone by and that it remains today.

Speaking of today, where we are shamefully lacking is in a collection of images depicting people.  It will take us time to remedy that deficiency - but we're on the job! 

Look out for a camera near you.

In the meantime, do enjoy this small collection below for a taste of what to expect from the images we share.



​We are serious about you helping to contribute to this important work of recording and documenting our history and community. 

As you have probably already read - if you have an image - or a story - to share with the Tetbury community then do let us know.  As we've already said - so many people will thank you for doing so.

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Join Us

Yes - then there's the ART gallery!

We love art and hope visitors to the site enjoy the art we display just as much as we do!  Some of our artists are fairly local -others are from further afield. 

We will be constantly adding to our art collection over time.

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